
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Liya takes her first step

Yesterday night it was almost 11.00 pm, when J and I were doing long night prayers (as it is Ramadan) the little naughty bubbly girl was all awake and playful. During the breaks between the prayer she threw her toys off and rushed to us and got into standing position without support for long time. She was getting into standing position really quick that I felt she would fall down and get hurt. As she was standing all happy and excited, we showed our hands sitting a bit away from her and encouraged her to move. The enthusiastic girl put forward her right feet and fell down within few seconds. She was very excited and suddenly got up and tried again and again.

That was her first ever independent step. I am quite happy for her determination and hard work.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Liya completes 10 months on planet earth!

She turned 10 months last week and following are her latest activities.

1) She understands everything you tell her. If you refer to her naughty activities while talking to a third person she cries or shows her dislike.

2) She stands without holding for long time, but afraid to put her feet forward.

3) She understands Urdu as much as she understands Malayalam.

4) She picks up gestures faster than words.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Apple is to eat!

As I mentioned in my previous post, one thing Liya liked during our trip to Kerala was playing with her cousin Diya who will turn 4 in coming Oct. Liya giggled for each gesture or action performed by Diya to please her.

One thing I observed was Liya was trying to imitate her for everything. Whenever Liya was cranky and throws away her toys and if I am busy with some urgent work, I give her a tomato or apple or Mosambi to play with. She suddenly turns calm and roll it through the floor. Back at home, I gave Diya an apple to eat and Liya an apple to play with. After sometime I observed that Liya is trying to bite the apple with her tiny teeth, the girl who doesn't mouth anything otherwise!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Liya's first Ramdan, even though she doesn't fast.. :)

Ramdan, the holy month has started few days back.

"Ramdan is the 9th month of Islamic Calender (Hijra Calender), and is the month in which the first verses of the Holy Qur'an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is the month of fasting, in which muslims round the globe refrain from eating and drinking from dawn until sunset. Fasting is intended to teach Muslims about patience, humility, and spirituality. Muslims offer more prayer than usual, pray for guidance and help in refraining from everyday evils, ask forgiveness for past sins, increase charity etc."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The naughty Liya at another wedding..!!

As I had mentioned earlier, my sister's Nikah was over almost 8 months back, and now it is the time for wedding reception. I was in two minds about attending the function, firstly because of the hectic travel from Hyd to back home, with no direct flights to Calicut. Secondly, I was afraid of Liya being lived in her own structured world, getting into a hectic travel schedule and being over loved in a crowd which haven't seen her for a while.