
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Another Award..

Thank You Karima for sending me your love as Extreme Muslima award. I am a regular reader of Karima's craft blog and I love it - very informative and 'crafty' too.

As far as I understand this award doesn't come with a huge list of rules..*sigh*.. Well, an award need not be attached to rules always, it is just a way to show your love to a fellow blogger, isn't it?
This award encourages to pass onto few amazing Muslima bloggers and I take this opportunity to introduce few of them, to you (in no specific order).

Najeeba - Mom of Ayesha, my college mate, room mate and one of my best friends of all the time. She is someone whom I wish to be nearby me always. Some friends are meant to be so much wonderful and special. And I am thankful to have one like her.  She is a baby loss mom, parenting her rainbow baby Ayesha. Read more here.

Salma - Salma is a blogger friend of mine, we happened to meet online and exchanged bunches of notes over internet. It is so much amazing how internet has changed the way we make friends and thankfully for me it was always in a positive way.
Salma is based out in Canada, who is an amazing person to have connected and immensely inspiring, generous and she will give you a mountain of love if you get to connect with her. She is another baby loss mom and running a beautiful blog about parenting her rainbow son.

Um Zakariya - A French Muslima, a mom of 10 year old boy. I really can't recall since when I connected with her, but I remember the day I happened to be in her blog and I went through entire blog from first post till the latest. I had tears in my eyes to realize that how how much my sisters have been struggling in their life, to sustain their faith. It was quite shocking to see many updates in her life, as she many times passes through the toughest faces of life unexpectedly. But I have always been amazed at the strength she has shown. I use this opportunity to introduce such a strong person and if possible please stop by her site and drop some loving words.

Bonnie - Based out in New Zealand and baby loss mom. She is another inspiring, strong muslima with a lovely heart. A mother of two and youngest is too young - less than 2 months old. I was reading her blog on and off but it was Salma who brought her situations into my attention (along with some sisters) as she was in need of some support after her delivery. Salma arranged a virtual baby shower for baby I, and many sisters have been a part of it. She can tell you an unbelievable 'metamorphic' story from her life, if you are eager enough please read her birthday post on her blog.

Fozia - A British Muslima, running another wonderful blog. I often link with her on Friday Wisdom from my other blog. An established blogger with great varieties of content and thought provoking insights. I am a huge fan of her Friday wisdom posts especially. Have look at here.

Wafa -  Teacher by profession and an avid blogger. I happened to drop by her site through Salma again and immediately started following. She is from Soudi Arabia and her blog is all about things happening around her, in her country and the society. Her blog sketches the life of Arabian women, as well. Read on!

*I don't expect you to write a post on/pass on this award- *but if you do that's lovely*- as I know many of of you are struggling with a lot of things happening around in life. This is just to let world know that I have connected with such a lovely bunch of ladies. Alhamdulillah, connecting with you all have been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I have learned a lot from you all and still continue learning. May Allah bless! *


  1. New follower from About A Mom! Please follow me back at

  2. Congrats on the award! You are very deserving!

  3. Glad you liked the award, I shall try and pop by the other blogs you have passed this onto, inshallah, Karima

  4. Congrats on the award and thank so much for awarding it to me x

  5. Thank you so much sis for this award. I do know all the sisters and they are lovely women, and great writers (including you of course).

    Salam alaikum.

  6. Thanks a lot. May be, I'll pass it on this time, Insha Allah.

  7. Congratulations on the award and i agree that awards shouldn't come with rules.

    And thanks so much for including my blog in the list. I honestly appreciate it :)

  8. Assalamu Aleykum dear sister,

    I somehow missed this post subhanALLAH!Congratulations for the award, and thank you so much for giving it to me!

    So sorry for being late on this one.

    Lot of love


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