
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Home remedies for kids :: Chukku Kappi - Dry Ginger Coffee

Even though I am not basically against opting for allopathic medicines, we try to avoid it as much as possible. Having grown up in the Ayurvedic town of India, and belonging to a family where Ayurveda is practiced by many of my close relatives, I have always had an attachment towards Ayurveda.

Alhamdulillah, Thank God, to Liya we have hardly given any allopathic medicine in the past four years. Only once she had to go on antibiotics and which was right after our move back to India from the US and I failed to realized that her tonsils had swollen in such a way that she threw up even the water she sipped in.

Once in a while she gets cold, cough and rarely fever. There is one magical medicine which we try in most Keralite's homes. That's Chukku kappi (Dry ginger coffee). It's a herbal medicinal decoction prepared with pungent spices. This helps alleviate cold, cold, mild fever, nasal congestion, throat infection etc.

Liya survived on this home remedy for last two years. I have started trying it only after she turned 2 (till then she hardly fell ill + I am not sure if it fits children under 1).

Recipe for Adults:

Dry ginger-one medium piece (1 tsp powder)
Pepper corn/powder-1tsp 
Water - 1 cup
Cumin powder-1/4 tsp 
Coriander seeds - 1/4 tsp
Coffee powder -1 tsp 
Jaggery- According to your taste
Basil Leaves (Optional)

Image Courtesy:

Recipe for Kids:

Dry ginger-one small piece (1/2 tsp powder)
Pepper corn/powder- 2-3 seeds or 1/4tsp powder
Water - 1 cup
Cumin powder-1/4 tsp 
Coriander seeds - 2-3 seeds
Coffee powder -1/4 tsp 
Jaggery- Little more than usual

Initially, I used to give 2-3 spoons of it thrice a day.  Now, Liya loves it and can takes half glass at a time.

On one of my trips to Kerala, I have bought a readymade packet of it and that helps to make it quickly!

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  1. I'd really like to try this, it sounds amazing!

    1. Thanks for dropping by. I am sure you won't regret trying.

  2. This recipe...a variation of it was given to me to help my asthma, lol. I think it really helped my case at the time.

  3. This looks fab! I love ginger tea but never thought of coffee-I run a food linky #tastytuesdays if you fancy joining in

  4. I love the sound of this. My husband is a big coffee fan so would be interested to see what he thinks of this. Thanks for linking up with #recipeoftheweek :) I've pinned and tweeted this post and there's a fresh linky live now. Hope you join in x

  5. Yummy coffee and ginger, bet its amazing. Recipe of the Week


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