
Friday, October 28, 2011 to India!

Finally, the much awaited vacation is at our doorsteps. Less than 24 hours to go. I have been busy planning our trip, cleaning the house, shopping and more importantly packing the stuffs for a long trip.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Goodbye Mom's milk...!

Source- google

...yes, a lot of things are happening in life. Like Liya mentioned in her previous post, I SUCCESSFULLY stopped breastfeeding her. It wasn't as tougher as I anticipated, though a few new things have popped up as a consequence.

Friday, October 21, 2011

[Toddler Talk] That's a Monkey!

It happened a few months ago. J and Liya were in the park for their evening playtime. There was a boy playing on the monkey bars. He was abruptly moving across the bars and he did somersaults and some naughty moves, as well. Little Liya was watching him very closely.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

[Tour with PL] At Central Park ~ NYC

We were all tired... and headed to Central Park. We spent some time there and had our lunch too. Stay tuned, we will take you to American Museum of Natural History. Till then, please enjoy my pics from Central Park lunching session. :)

Read older parts of the series here.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Book of the Week ::The Wheels on the Bus...

Welcome to another story time with little Liya. Today, we are sharing with you the ever green classic The Wheels on the Bus: Go Round and Round (Classic Books With Holes) by Annie Kubler.

This falls in the series 'books with holes',  same as 'Ten little Monkeys...'

Wordless Wednesday :: Reaching for the heights

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see the beauty, believe in them and try to follow where they lead... 
~Louisa May Alcott

Monday, October 17, 2011

2 year- What am I upto?

Hi There,

As you already know, I am a big girl- 2 years old. So, what am I up to these days?

Schooling- I enjoy my school time. I love going there. My momma found out the secret behind my (pseudo) whining. She found that only if pappa drops me at school I behave weird, but if she drops me, I stay all calm and  cool. I even give her bye bye, kiss and walk into the class room. So these days, mamma drops me to school and things are going well. Mommas find out every bit of our tricks... huh?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Book of the Week :: What's the Matter Bunny Blue?

Our apologies for not sharing a story last week. This week we are going to share with you another wonderful story- What's the Matter, Bunny Blue? by Nicola Smee.

What's the matter Bunny Blue....?
"I've lost my Granny! BOO HOO HOO!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Beach Photography

Can't you hear the footsteps of snowy days...?
I dread that it's very closer... 
As fall will be ending soon,
Let me share some moments from our 'fall days'... 
Have a look at our day at Toronto Island Beach!

Finally The Terrible Two!

Sweet little Liya,

Sounds like it was just yesterday I went for my first ultrasound scan and curiously looked at the screen as doctor showed me the budding organs of a flesh piece growing inside me. I innocently gazed at the continuous movements happening inside and it was such an unforgettable day for me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ Scribbles on the wall!

Finally, that too happened. Liya has officially inaugurated her scribbling exhibition on the 'wall'.

We live in a rented house, as we are here on a temporary visit. When we vacate the house, it must be closer to how we were given. But now I see the chances of getting a huge penalty with all messed up flooring carpet and a decorated wall.

Another Award..

Thank You Karima for sending me your love as Extreme Muslima award. I am a regular reader of Karima's craft blog and I love it - very informative and 'crafty' too.

As far as I understand this award doesn't come with a huge list of rules..*sigh*.. Well, an award need not be attached to rules always, it is just a way to show your love to a fellow blogger, isn't it?
This award encourages to pass onto few amazing Muslima bloggers and I take this opportunity to introduce few of them, to you (in no specific order).